
Elena Hadley

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center
Elena Hadley

[ALUMNA] Part-Time Environmental Educator



Education Department
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA, 19311

Interests and Expertise

Elena Hadley has a background in outdoor education and positive behavior programs in public elementary and middle schools. In addition to studying the factors of ecosystem resilience, she engages people to examine the human habitat and explore their relationship within their regional ecosystems. Her passions include equestrian sport, hiking, foraging, and meditation.


  • B.Sc. Environmental Design, with concentrations in wildlife conservation and landscape planning, University of Massachusetts- Amherst, Massachusetts.
  • 2012 Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education scholar, Urban Planning and Sustainability, Universidade Federale de Goias, Goiania, Brazil.

Professional Experience

  • Part-time educator, Stroud Water Research Center, 2021–2023.
  • Equestrian groom and young sporthorse development, Fédération Equestre Internationale, 2016–2021.
  • Program coordinator, Bridges Afterschool Program, Washington South Supervisory District, K–6, Northfield and Roxbury, Vermont, 2013–2016.
  • Positive behavior program coordinator, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Washington South Supervisory District, K–6, Northfield and Roxbury, Vermont, 2013–2016.
  • Assistant riding director, Windridge Tennis and Sports Camps at Teela-Wooket, Roxbury, Vermont, 2013.