
Steve Kerlin, Ph.D.

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center
Steve Kerlin, Ph.D.

Director of Education

Education Department

tel. 610-910-0053
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA 19311

Interest and Expertise

Steve Kerlin’s research interests are in environmental and science education, technology to enhance and extend outdoor education, educator professional development, and inquiry-based teaching and learning. He is an Eagle Scout and worked at Custaloga Town Scout Reservation for 10 summers. When not at work, Kerlin enjoys kayaking, rock climbing, backpacking, hiking, and other outdoor adventures with his family.

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  • Ph.D., curriculum and instruction, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • M.S., curriculum and instruction, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • B.S., secondary education, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Professional Experience

  • Director of education, Stroud Water Research Center, 2016–present.
  • Assistant professor of environmental education/interpretation and youth programming/camp management, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2013–2015.
  • Statewide specialist in nature center management and Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin Extension, 2013–2015.
  • Assistant professor of science and environmental education and director of the Center for Environmental Education, Northern Kentucky University, 2009–2013.
  • Science teacher, grades 7–9, Penns Valley Area School District, Pennsylvania, 1998–2005.


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