Part-Time Environmental Educator
Education Department
Stroud Water Research Center
970 Spencer Road, Avondale, PA, 19311
- Supervisory certificate in science, Widener University, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
- Supervisory certificate in curriculum and instruction, Widener University, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
- Master’s equivalency, Pennsylvania.
- B.S., education, earth and space certification, West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Professional Experience
- Part-time environmental educator, Stroud Water Research Center, 2023–present.
- Independent consultant training educators in the use of scientific inquiry; advisory board, Delaware Valley Science Fairs, Inc.; director of teacher professional development, DVSF, Inc., 2014–present.
- K–12 supervisor of science, family consumer sciences, health, and physical education, Marple Newtown School District, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 2007–2014.
- K–12 supervisor of science, Upper Darby School District, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 1993–2007.
- Instructor, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia; Rosemont College; Arcadia University; 1993–2007.
- Independent study advisor, Widener University, West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1994–1999.
- ADAPT trainer (working with included students), Haverford and Chichester School Districts, Pennsylvania, 1994–1999.
- Junior high/middle school science teacher, 1974–1993.