
Part 1: Laboratory culture of Centroptilum triangulifer (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) using a defined diet of three diatoms

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Weaver, P.C., J.M. Lazorchak, K.A. Struewing, S.J. DeCelles, D.H. Funk, D.B. Buchwalter, and B.R. Johnson. 2015. Chemosphere 139:589–596.



Development of methods for assessing exposure and effects of waterborne toxicants on stream invertebrate species is important to elucidate environmentally relevant information. Current protocols for freshwater invertebrate toxicity testing almost exclusively utilize cladocerans, amphipods or chironomids rather than the more typical aquatic insect taxa found in lotic systems. Centroptilum triangulifer is a parthenogenetic mayfly occurring in depositional habitats of streams and rivers of the Eastern U.S. and Canada. C. triangulifer is an ideal stream insect for toxicity testing under field and laboratory conditions because of its short life cycle, parthenogenetic mode of reproduction, and it represents a group considered sensitive to environmental stressors. In this study, a colony of C. triangulifer was reared using a defined diet of three diatoms, Mayamaea atomus var. permitis, Nitzschia cf. pusilla, and Achnanthidium minutissimum. Percent survival (⩾80%), fecundity measurements (⩾1000 eggs) and pre-egg laying weights were used as indicators of overall colony health and fitness in our laboratory water (Lab-line) and in Moderately Hard Reconstituted Water (MHRW). Lab-line reared C. triangulifer had average survival rate of 92.69% for eleven generations and 82.99% over thirteen generations. MHRW reared C. triangulifer had an average survival rate of 80.65% for four generations and three generations of fecundities greater than 1000 eggs per individual. Pre-egg laying weight and fecundity were highly correlated and a best-fit model equation was derived to estimate egg counts for future generations. Establishment of this culturing protocol provides a more ecologically relevant species for toxicity testing and aids in further stressor identification for stream bioassessments.