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Journal Article/Paper

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Stream restoration for legacy sediments at Gramies Run, Maryland: early lessons from implementation, water quality monitoring, and soil health

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Mattern, K., A. Lutgen, N. Sienkiewicz, G. Jiang , J. Kan, M. Peipoch, and S. Inamdar. 2020. Water 12(8):2164.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Streambank legacy sediment contributions to suspended sediment‐bound nutrient yields from a Mid‐Atlantic, Piedmont watershed

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Jiang, G., A. Lutgen, K. Mattern, N. Sienkiewicz, J. Kan, and S. Inamdar. 2020. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 56(5):820–841.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Streambank legacy sediments in surface waters: phosphorus sources or sinks?

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Inamdar, S., N. Sienkiewicz, A. Lutgen, G. Jiang, and J. Kan. 2020. Soil Systems 4(2):30.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Nutrients and heavy metals in legacy sediments: concentrations, comparisons with upland soils, and implications for water quality

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Lutgen A., G. Jiang, N. Sienkiewicz, K. Mattern, J. Kan, and S. Inamdar. 2020. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 56(4): 669–691.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Bacterial communities and nitrogen transformation genes in streambank legacy sediments and implications for biogeochemical processing

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Sienkiewicz, N., R.L. Bier, J. Wang, L. Zgleszewski, A. Lutgen, G. Jiang, K. Mattern, S. Inamdar, and J. Kan. 2020. Biogeochemistry 148:271–290.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Space colonization by branching trachea explains the morphospace of a simple respiratory organ

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Ruiz-Sobrino, A., C.A. Martín-Blanco, T. Navarro, I. Almudi, G. Masiero, M. Jimenez-Caballero, D.B. Buchwalter, D.H. Funk, J.L. Gattolliat, M.C. Lemos, F. Jiménez, and F. Casares. 2020. Developmental Biology 462(1): 50–59.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Evaluating water quality for Amazonian streams along the Interoceanic Highway in Peru using macroinvertebrates collected by hand and with leaf packs

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Sweeney, B.W., J.M. Battle, D.H. Funk, R.W. Flowers, T. Gonzales Ojeda, A. Huamantinco, J.K. Jackson, and M. Arnold. 2020. Limnologica 81, 125759.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Eastern oyster clearance and respiration rates in response to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediment loads

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

La Peyre, M.K., S. Bernasconi, R. Lavaud, S.M. Casas, and J.F. La Peyrec. 2020. Journal of Sea Research 157, 101831.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Widespread cryptic viral infections in lotic biofilms

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Payne, A.T., A.J. Davidson, J. Kan, M. Peipoch, R. Bier, and K. Williamson. 2020. Biofilm 2, 100016.