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Community Science

Entomologists collect freshwater insects for a project that examines the impact of streamside restoration on water quality.

Breaking the Fall

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

How the Clean Water Act changed the trajectory of America’s waterways and became a beacon for freshwater science.

56% of people surveyed stated they care about the Schuylkill River.

Is the Schuylkill River Clean and Safe? Interactive StoryMap Shows Perceptions vs. Reality

940 788 Stroud Water Research Center

The goal of the project is to connect residents and communities with the river and all it has to offer as a scenic and recreational destination.

Lenape Chief Dennis Coker discussing native mussels with Tara Muenz along Fork Branch in Delaware.

Lenape Community Scientists Restore Their Ancestral Watershed

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watershed monitoring and stewardship activities will support the potential to reintroduce mussels — the most endangered and threatened freshwater faunal group in the United States.

A deicer truck spreading brine on an Oregon highway.

The Trouble With Road Salt

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Take a look at the effects of road salt on our streams and rivers and learn how volunteers and organizations are working to monitor what’s happening to their freshwater resources.

David Bressler providing C-SAW technical assistance to volunteers of the Silver Lake Nature Center.

Helping Watershed Groups Through Education and Mentorship

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds has helped over 42,000 Pennsylvanians pursue watershed monitoring, protection, and restoration.

Schuylkill River Community Scientist Monitoring Project to Kick Off on World Habitat Day

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The project aims to document the current ecological status and health of the river and seeks to engage and educate a diverse set of river users and residents.

To Fish or Not to Fish: Using Real-Time Data to Protect Trout Populations

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Fishing guides in Michigan are using real-time data from an EnviroDIY monitoring station to remotely make appropriate decisions on where and when to fish.

Monitor My Watershed map feature

Teach-the-Teacher Workshop Brings Real-Time Data to the Classroom

640 360 Stroud Water Research Center

For teachers, access to real-time data on the Monitor My Watershed data portal can revolutionize the way students are taught about water.

David Bressler providing C-SAW technical assistance to volunteers of the Silver Lake Nature Center.

A Watershed of Curiosity

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Not everyone has the opportunity to become a professional scientist, but a great scientist can come from anywhere. Anyone can be a part of science.

Stream Monitoring in the Delaware River Basin: More Than Just Numbers

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Master Watershed Stewards help develop science capacity to support stream and river protection and restoration by citizen science programs.