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2022 World Water Day at Stroud Water Research Center

Celebrate World Water Day

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Celebrate World Water Day with the unveiling of our new Watershed Education Mobile Lab and FREE freshwater fun for the whole family!

Sustainable Choices, Sustainable Watershed: Appluing the MWEE Framework to Waste Streams

[Virtual Educator Workshop] Sustainable Choices, Sustainable Watersheds: Applying the MWEE Framework to Waste Streams

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Do you know how much our choices at home or around our schools positively or negatively impact the waste stream?

White Clay Creek with a riffle in the distance and trees along the banks.

Educator Hidden Gem Canoe Workshop: Discover White Clay Creek!

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Enjoy a paddle-in-the-present moment featuring peaceful sounds of the wild, connections to water quality, and time with a hidden gem in the Delaware River watershed.

Two people paddling a red canoe on Octoraro Reservoir, with other canoes in the distance.

Educator Hidden Gem Canoe Workshop: Discover the Octoraro Reservoir!

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Experience the splendor and natural history of a relatively unknown jewel in Lancaster County while canoeing the 620-acre Octoraro reservoir.

Mandy Nix holding a wooden fish plaque while surrounded by Trout Unlimited members.

STREAM Girls Leader Honored by Trout Unlimited Chapter

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Mandy Nix received an award for outstanding work leading the STREAM Girls program at the Stroud Center since 2019. 

A group of educators at the dedication of the West Chester Area School District Water Quality Education Center.

Stroud Center Partner Opens New Water Quality Education Center

600 400 Stroud Water Research Center

West Chester Area School District’s three outdoor learning classrooms and interpretative signage will engage students, teachers, and the greater community for generations to come.

A troop of Girl Scouts in five red canoes on a lake.

Girl Scout Cadette Canoeing Program: Think Like a Citizen Scientist Award

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Girl Scout Cadettes, join Stroud Water Research Center for a discovery-based, on-the-water canoeing adventure on a reservoir teeming with aquatic life!

Four educators at a table in an outdoor pavilion learning how to use the Pocket Macros app.

On the Screen and in the Stream: Expanding Support of Adult Audiences

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In addition to virtual programming, our education department offers open enrollment professional development workshops and partners closely with local school districts.

Tips for Successful Grant Writing webinar

Tips for Successful Environmental and Sustainability Education Grant Proposals

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In this webinar, successful grant writers and program officers of funding agencies share how to read a request for proposal, where to find grants, and other tips for success.

Two girls wearing waders record stream study data in notebooks.

Trout Unlimited STREAM Girls Program

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join Stroud Water Research Center and Trout Unlimited this spring for STREAM Girls, an outdoor watershed experience that combines science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) with recreational fly-fishing to empower today’s girls to become tomorrow’s leaders.