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Tara Muenz

Tara Muenz

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center

Assistant Director of Education and Leaf Pack Network® Administrator

Steve Kerlin, Ph.D.

Steve Kerlin, Ph.D.

500 500 Stroud Water Research Center

Director of Education

Headshot of Libby Gregg.

Elizabeth Gregg

200 200 Stroud Water Research Center

Systems Administrator, Part-Time Environmental Educator

Screenshot from video about Sparta Middle School restoring Nash Creek.

How Sparta Middle School Is Working to Restore Nash Creek

800 453 Stroud Water Research Center

Two Michigan schools used our Leaf Pack Experiment to assess their local stream’s health. They discovered what was impacting their stream and then developed a plan to restore it with native plantings.

Tara Muenz teaching a group of students in the outdoor classroom.

Students Experience Field-Based Learning at the Stroud Center’s New Outdoor Classroom

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There’s just something about going outside. It’s fun. It lowers stress. It helps students focus. And it’s a great way to learn about freshwater science.

Maria Scarborough with U.S. Sens. Chris Coons and Sheldon Whitehouse at the Stroud Center table at a bioblitz.

Stroud Team Helps Discover Species Diversity in State and National Parks

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Stroud Center entomologists, interns, and educators joined citizen scientists and others for the National Park Service Centennial BioBlitz.

Students using the Model My Watershed web app on a laptop computer.

Students Nationwide Model Their Watersheds, Solve Environmental Challenges

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To cultivate the next generation of scientists and watershed stewards, Stroud Center and partners are taking Model My Watershed to classrooms nationwide.

2016 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting logo

Stroud Center Speaks on Water Scarcity at SFS Annual Meeting

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Held in drought-stricken southern California, the focus was on the consequences of depleting freshwater resources and potential solutions.

Trout Grow on Trees

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project connects citizens to the idea that healthy forests make healthy streams and, thus, healthy trout populations. Funding supports hands-on experiences for students and families to learn about the…