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Publication title with image of a mayfly

The Crabby Creek initiative: building and sustaining an interdisciplinary community partnership

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Terlecki, M., D. Dunbar, C. Nielsen, C. McGauley, L. Ratmansky, N.L. Watterson, J. Hannum, K. Seidler, E. Bongiorno, O. Owens, P. Goodman, C. Marshall, S. Gill, K. Travers, J. Jackson. 2010. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 3(1):40–50.

Schuylkill Sojourn

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center provided the educational programming for Reading the River: The Science of the Schuylkill, for the 11th annual Schuylkill River Sojourn. In an effort to increase interest…

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Scientific and educational aspects of water quality and stream health in Eastern Pennsylvania

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Aufdenkampe, A.K., T.L. Bott, C.L. Dow, J.K. Jackson, L.A. Kaplan, A.E. Schuyler, and B.W. Sweeney. 2010. Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Riparian BUFFers, making our riparian areas strong

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

Fetter, J.R., S.S. Smith, A.E. Spotts, K.R. Myers, M.Z. Royer, C. Medved, and D.J. Oleson. 2010. Part of 4-H Water Project: Unit 3 — Supplement. Penn State Cooperative Extension, State College, Pennsylvania.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Complexity of secondary scientific data sources and students’ argumentative discourse

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kerlin, S., S. McDonald, and G. Kelly. 2010. International Journal of Science Education 32(9):1207–1225.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Global learning communities: science classrooms without walls

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kerlin, S. 2009. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Summer Institute: How Best Management Practices Are Protecting Your Drinking Water

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center educators conducted a week-long summer program of field experiences and hands-on activities designed to convey effective and innovative methods to protect water quality.

Students painting sunflowers on a rain barrel.

Rain Barrel Project Teaches Stormwater Solutions

440 337 Stroud Water Research Center

The Rain Barrel Project taught students in Media Borough about stormwater runoff and how it affects their school, neighborhood, and local streams.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Design of an online global learning community: international collaboration of grades 7-9 science students

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kerlin, S., E. Goehring, W. Carlsen, J. Larsen, and C. Fisher. 2009. Pages 94–96 in A. Dimitracopoulou, C. O’Malley, D. Suthers, and P. Reimann (editors). CSCL 2009 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning, volume 2. International Society of the Learning Sciences, Rhodes, Greece.

Schuylkill Sojourn Gives Paddlers a Glimpse into the World Below Their Kayaks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Sojourners will be joined by scientists from the Stroud Center, who will give presentations about the river environment at lunch and evening stops.