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Delaware River Watershed Initiative Rodale/Stroud Water Research Center Collaboration

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project enables a collaboration with Rodale Institute to advance knowledge on soil health and impacts on water quality, including a comparison of till, no-till, and organic-based cropping systems. Related…

Partnering for Accelerated Agricultural Best Management Practices in South Central Pennsylvania

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project supports the Stroud Center’s continuing efforts on soil health, particularly for outreach and education on cover crops and no-till farming. It also installs conservation practices on farms to…

Soil Health and Stream Health for Red and White Clay Creeks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project engages two farmers to implement more than 1,000 acres of cover crops, conduct trials of eight or more innovative methods to advance cover crop and no-till techniques, and…

Linford Weber and Deanne Boyer of Willow Run Farm

On the Road to Restoration

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how far our watershed restoration program has come in nearly 10 years and where we’re going to help farms adopt science-based solutions that restore healthy streams.

A woman carries tree shelters as she helps maintain a streamside forest buffer.

Doing Good Better: Refining Buffer Restoration Methods

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The goal of improving the survival and growth of trees has persisted through decades of research. Yet, with every new advance, new questions arise.

Quantify and Support Installation and Restoration of Best Management Practices (BMPs) at Schools to Contribute Directly to Bay Restoration Goals

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators sampled school districts and conducted extensive research on sustainable school recognition programs across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, with a focus on connections between teaching/learning and the implementation of BMPs…

Partnering for Accelerated Ag Best Management Practices in South Central Pennsylvania

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project supports Stroud Water Research Center’s continuing efforts on soil health, particularly for outreach and education on cover crops and no-till farming. It also installs conservation practices on farms…

Taking Stock of Big Picture, Strategic Priorities for Watershed Restoration

Taking Stock of Big Picture, Strategic Priorities for Watershed Restoration

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

With scarce public resources to accomplish so many restoration outcomes across the Commonwealth, it’s imperative to maximize our effectiveness.

Ag BMP Planning and Implementation for Berks County (DEP); Leveraging Ag BMPs and Forested Buffers for Middle Schuylkill Cluster (NFWF); Delivering the Berks-Chester RCPP (DEP)

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project operates the Farm Stewardship Program in Berks County, assisting farmers to implement whole-farm conservation while leveraging U.S. Department of Agriculture funding for work including forested buffers. Work on…

Video still showing a webinar speaker against background image with the American Rivers logo.

From Cities to Suburbs to Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn from a panel of experts how natural and green infrastructure are paying off for the health of the Delaware River.