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Website Helps Landowners Lease Farms Wisely to Promote Soil Health, Water Quality

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center is a free resource helping landowners grow better relationships with tenant farmers that incentivize long-term investments on land that also address broader environmental impacts.

2021 Virtual Sustainable Agriculture Conference banner image.

[Webinar] Water Farming: Stewarding a Precious Resource

800 419 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how a diverse set of farms are working with water’s innate quality of movement to create lush, productive, regenerative landscapes in the midst of myriad challenges.

Bud Miller with his young riparian buffer, showing abundant growth of trees and wildflowers.

A Family’s Restoration Adventure, Four Years In

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In 2017, Bud and Marilyn Miller were the proud overseers of a new riparian buffer. Since then, a beautiful transformation has unfolded on their property.

Photo of an American eel being weighed as part of a scientific study.

White Clay Creek: A Pennsylvania Stream Responds to Reforestation

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The East Branch of White Clay Creek is the subject of a restoration study on a time scale rarely applied to streams or rivers anywhere in the world.

Restoring the River Continuum Community

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

We’re working with partners and land users to implement natural solutions to regenerate soils and safeguard fresh water, solutions that benefit both human communities and the entire ecosystem.

Focusing on Farms to Safeguard the Delaware River

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

An article in Edible Philly dives into the effort to protect and restore clean water in the Delaware River watershed by working with farmers.

Soil Health Movement Is Reducing Water Pollution and Farmers’ Costs

661 431 Stroud Water Research Center

“We really want to try to help the scientific community understand what the impact of healthier soils is on delivery of pollutants to waterways.”

Deep purple fruit on an elderberry bush.

A Movement Grows to Help Farmers Reduce Pollution and Turn a Profit

640 427 Stroud Water Research Center

An innovative program is showing farmers how to plant cash crops in buffer zones to help stabilize stream banks and clean up waterways.

Stroud Center Partner Wins Ag Leadership Award

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund is dedicated to helping local communities clean up and restore their polluted rivers and streams.

To the Fields We Go!

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center recently participated in field days to share our knowledge about farming for clean fresh water.