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Technician using a qPCR machine.

DNA Tool Helps Scientists Identify Bacteria in Streams

349 291 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists are using DNA to identify the likely sources of fecal bacteria in streams, a potential human health risk.

Photo of cows standing in a stream

From Stream to Tap: Keeping Fresh Water Clean and Safe

725 470 Stroud Water Research Center

Water treatment facilities have procedures in place to make water safe for drinking. But the dirtier the water, the greater the cost to treat it.

Rocky Mountains.

Celebrating National Park Service’s Commitment to Fresh Water

725 470 Stroud Water Research Center

Director Jarvis reflected upon the NPS’s focus on the future as it enters its second century stewarding our country’s natural and historic resources.

Students from Serviam Academy walk on a footbridge across White Clay Creek.

Fostering Community Partnerships Through STEM Education

400 278 Stroud Water Research Center

Students from Serviam Girls Academy spent a day learning about water-quality indicators as part of the Stroud Center’s award-winning stream ecology program.

Three individuals taking samples in a stream.

C-SAW Offers Free Assistance for Cleaner Water Resources

450 338 Stroud Water Research Center

Conservation orgs may receive free technical assistance from the Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds through a Growing Greener grant.

Jonathan Jarvis of the National Parks Service.

National Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis to Receive SAFE Award

285 362 Stroud Water Research Center

On the centennial anniversary of one of America’s greatest treasures, the SAFE Water Award will be presented to the National Park Service and its director, Jonathan Jarvis.

People being trained to identify aquatic macroinvertebrates.

Volunteers to Monitor Threats to Water for 15 Million People

450 338 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center Receives $2.5 Million Grant to Boost Citizen-Science Water-Quality Monitoring in Delaware River Basin.

Graph of conductivity rise in Brandywine Creek from salt load washing.

Freshwater Sources Less “Fresh” from Greater Salt Use, Scientists Say

1024 614 Stroud Water Research Center

Fresh groundwater, where some drinking water comes from, recharges streams. Scientists are concerned about early signs that groundwater sources are getting saltier.

Lamonte Garber in the mountains of Nepal.

Connecting Land and Water Solutions: Lamonte Garber Joins Watershed Restoration Group

450 338 Stroud Water Research Center

Garber will serve as the watershed restoration coordinator, working with landowners and partnering agencies on restoration and conservation projects throughout Pennsylvania and beyond.

Fracking truck

UpStream Newsletter, December 2013

350 234 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists find mayflies, whose presence indicates good water quality, are significantly affected by low levels of fracking wastewater.