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Brachycentrus caddisfly larva in Neversink River, New York.

Introduction to the Rock Pack Experiment

500 274 Stroud Water Research Center

Join Tara Muenz, Assistant Director of Education, and Lindsey Albertson, Ph.D., Montana State University researcher and Stroud Center alumna, for a free hands-on workshop, complete with materials for you to take home.

An entomologist sorts samples seated at a table in the Susquehanna River.

Monitoring the Health of the Susquehanna

900 506 Stroud Water Research Center

An article in an area newspaper chronicled Stroud Water Research Center’s annual sampling of the Susquehanna River near Mehoopany, Pennsylvania. Stroud Center studies have shown that the river’s health has…

Screenshot of midge video.

Mystery Midge with “Kite Tail” Eggs

300 225 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center entomologist David Funk documented the unusual behavior of an orthoclad midge species at Lake Umbagog on the Maine/New Hampshire border: Adult females fly over the lake and extrude long strings of eggs which they eventually drop into the water.

Mayfly rearing syste.

Could Rising Temps Be Killing Mayflies, Threatening Streams? Scientists Investigate.

728 500 Stroud Water Research Center

When mayfly populations decline, it’s a warning that something has gone wrong. But what? Stroud Center scientists and their colleagues are investigating.

Maria Scarborough with U.S. Sens. Chris Coons and Sheldon Whitehouse at the Stroud Center table at a bioblitz.

Stroud Team Helps Discover Species Diversity in State and National Parks

1024 853 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center entomologists, interns, and educators joined citizen scientists and others for the National Park Service Centennial BioBlitz.

Comparative Lifecycle and Toxicity Testing of Multiple Mayfly Species Across a Gradient of Total Dissolved Solids, With Methods Development for Native Species in the Central Appalachian Coal Fields

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Many water quality standards for pollutants in streams are based on laboratory toxicity tests that rely on macroinvertebrate species that are easy to handle in the laboratory. Unfortunately, these standard…

Water Quality Assessment in California Using DNA Barcoding

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This pilot study was designed to test how the use of a new technology called DNA barcoding can improve water quality assessment in California streams by enabling researchers to identify…

Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Environmental Conditions in Four Tributaries on the Red Clay Reservation

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center scientists sampled stream macroinvertebrates (i.e., primarily insects, crayfish, and worms) and baseflow water chemistry to assess stream condition as a cumulative measure of the effects of…

Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality Among Major Tributaries of the Schuylkill River

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This research, education, and outreach project continues efforts with local watershed groups to monitor macroinvertebrates in streams throughout the Schuylkill River Basin, which is located in the Northern Piedmont and…

Evaluating the Seasonal Effects of Short-Term Temperature Change on Macroinvertebrates and Fish in Streams and Rivers

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

We are conducting laboratory studies to test criteria of existing legislation for protecting fish and macroinvertebrates from excessive temperature changes during a 24-hour period in both winter and summer.Funded by:…