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Model My Watershed

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Education News, Fall 2014

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

From New Jersey to Costa Rica to North Carolina and back home at the Stroud Center, our education staff was busy this fall!

Model My Watershed web tool.

Grant Funds Expansion of Watershed Modeling Website

400 184 Stroud Water Research Center

The expanded module will help high school students across the country learn how land use impacts freshwater quality in their own geographic regions.

Six women from the Stroud Center participate in a bioblitz.

Sharing Our Science: Summer 2014

350 265 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center Scientists Attend International Conferences; Leaf Pack Network Science Hits the Road; 24 Hours, 55 Volunteers, 807 Species; Walking the Walk at Spring Creek Farms Field Day; Cultivating the Next Generation of Scientists.

Fracking truck

UpStream Newsletter, December 2013

350 234 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists find mayflies, whose presence indicates good water quality, are significantly affected by low levels of fracking wastewater.

The exterior of the Moorhead Environmental Complex at dusk.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2012

1024 768 Stroud Water Research Center

The board of directors cut the ribbon on a new building for environmental education and public outreach that models sustainable practices for managing water.

UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2011

500 270 Stroud Water Research Center

Gone Fishin’: Evaluating the Threat of Agricultural Contaminants in the Río SierpeThis article has moved.The Magic of Revealing the Mysteries of MetaecosystemsBy Diane HuskinsonAbracadabra“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from…

Screenshot of Model My Watershed web app

Model My Watershed® Reaches Students and Teachers

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The web app has a dynamic, videogame-like interface that lets students see how modifying land use in their own neighborhoods can affect water quality.

Screenshot of the Model My Watershed web app.

Stroud Center Projects Featured at National STEM Event

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The hands-on interactive nature of the Model My Watershed® and Critical Zone Observatory projects received considerable attention from both speakers and educators.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2010

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center has been recording daily, monthly, seasonal, annual — and even multiyear data — in Costa Rica to gain insights on climate change.