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Publication title with image of a mayfly

Spider fauna of three geographically isolated wetland types in southwestern Georgia

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

W. Tietjen, S. Becker, T.K. Muenz, S.W. Golladay. 2016. Southeastern Naturalist.

Susan Gill, Tara Muenz, and Libby Gregg.

Education Department Highlights: Hello, Congratulations, and Goodbye

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Stroud Center announces the retirement of Susan Gill, the appointment of new education director Steven Kerlin and the promotion of Tara Muenz to assistant director of education.

Group photo of 2015 research experience for undergraduates and teachers program.

Summer Research Program Boosts Confidence, Shapes Careers

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“Hydrosphere! Lithosphere! Atmosphere! Biosphere!” students and teachers shouted during orientation for this summer’s Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers (REU/RET). As a means to understand each…

2015 Society for Freshwater Science conference logo.

Sharing Our Science: Summer 2015

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In May, Stroud Water Research Center scientists attended the weeklong annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Comprehensive Aquatic Learning Project

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This collaborative partnership with Tyler Arboretum initiates teacher training programs in watershed research and education. We engaged teachers in our Leaf Pack Network, conducting a one-day intensive training in methods,macroinvertebrate…

Stroud Water Research Center educators proudly display their Outstanding Environmental Education Program Award.

Stroud Center Gets Award for Environmental Education Programs

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The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators gives Stroud Water Research Center the Outstanding Environmental Education Program Award.

A group photo of Stroud Center educators.

Getting Our Boots Ready for Spring Stream Programs

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Known for boots-in-the-water programs, our education department goes above and beyond to share the latest in freshwater knowledge with thousands of students each year.

Developing a Water Atlas for the ACOSA Region of Costa Rica

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Stroud Water Research Center biologists are working with researchers and managers in the ACOSA region of southwest Costa Rica to collect and disseminate information on streams and rivers to a…

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Education News, Fall 2014

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From New Jersey to Costa Rica to North Carolina and back home at the Stroud Center, our education staff was busy this fall!

Psephenidae (water penny beetles)

Citizen Scientists Track Tiny Critters to Determine Health of the Watershed

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Turns out eight-year-olds aren’t the only ones who love great piles of leaves. So do macroinvertebrates, the critters that indicate watershed health.