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Children dip their hands into a tub of river water with freshwater clams.

Water Protectors: Celebrating the Seneca Nation’s Efforts to Strengthen the Next Generation of Freshwater Stewards

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center educators worked with Seneca Nation leaders on meaningful freshwater education concepts to empower their citizens to improve their tribal waterways.

Equity and Environmental Education (EE) in the Time of COVID-19 to Support EE Providers

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators modified existing watershed education programming, created new programming, and piloted programming for virtual and in-person engagement during the coronavirus pandemic. Additional funding from PDE supported the initial planning of…

Growing Diversity and Inclusion in On-the-Water Education

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project supports expanding and sustaining inclusive on-the-water education through fishing and canoeing programs that prioritize female, marginalized, and economically disadvantaged populations in southeastern Pennsylvania and the Delaware River basin.…

Pa. Healthy Learning Environments Advisory Council to the Pa. Department of Health’s COVID-19 Initiative

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators provided feedback on technical plans, guidance, and resources to develop a cohesive system of professional development and classroom materials to create healthy schools and childcare environments that prevent the…

Scout Watershed STEM Education, Recreation, and Stewardship Programs and Educator Professional Development

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators engage Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts USA, and adult educators in a series of watershed STEM experiences, including canoeing, recreation, and stewardship programs.Funded by: National Park TrustProject Leads:…

West Chester Area School District Water Quality Education Center

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators and restoration staff provided assistance for establishing three outdoor learning stations with interpretive signs, teacher professional development, watershed education curricula, and restoration projects at elementary and middle school properties…

Virtual Learning Resources

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In response to COVID-19 emergency learning conditions, educators created and delivered new and modified watershed education resources for use in nearby nature and in virtual learning settings, both the coronavirus…

Lenape Chief Dennis Coker discussing native mussels with Tara Muenz along Fork Branch in Delaware.

Lenape Community Scientists Restore Their Ancestral Watershed

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watershed monitoring and stewardship activities will support the potential to reintroduce mussels — the most endangered and threatened freshwater faunal group in the United States.

Members of Mighty Writers—El Futuro look at aquatic insects next to the Watershed Education Mobile Lab.

Watershed on Wheels Makes a Splash at World Water Day Event

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Families, community members, and a group of Mighty Writers gathered to learn about the world’s most precious natural resource — clean fresh water — and how to protect it.

Stroud Center and Cabela's staff members with a shopping cart of donated gear.

Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund Supports Stroud Center Fishing and Boating Programs

640 360 Stroud Water Research Center

The generous donation of equipment and supplies will expand opportunities for many youth who may not otherwise have access to learn about fishing and canoeing.