Posts Tagged :

Oviedo Vargas

Transforming Water Quality in the Sharitz Run Headwaters of Brandywine Creek

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This Watershed Renaissance Initiative grant will enable Stroud Water Research Center to implement extensive watershed restoration projects designed to capture and control excess water and sediment production from agricultural hillslopes.…

Mimicking Mother Nature to Protect Clean Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists are pioneering a scientifically valid way to simulate rain to study the links between farming practices and healthy streams.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Mechanisms of organic matter export in estuaries with contrasting carbon sources

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Arellano, A. R., T. S. Bianchi, C. L. Osburn, E. J. D’Sa, N. D. Ward, D. Oviedo‐Vargas, I. D. Joshi et al. 2019. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124(10):3168–3188.

ScoutReach Day Camp Empowers Young Stewards for Stronger Communities

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Nearly 70 male and female Cub Scouts ages 5-11 experienced hands-on, minds-on learning stations and Q&A sessions with real water science professionals.

2019 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting logo

Brown Bag Luncheon: Science Talks from 2019 SFS Conference

800 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Bring your lunch and join us for a review of our scientists’ presentations from the 2019 Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting in Salt Lake City.

2019 Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting logo

Sharing Our Science in Salt Lake City

800 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists shared their work at the weeklong annual meeting of this premier international organization of aquatic scientists.

High school students looking at their water sample in an outdoor classroom

Students Learn to Solve Water Resource Challenges

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

The new WATERS project will develop a student-centered curriculum for students of all abilities to learn water concepts and about water careers.

An Introduction to Tropical Stream Research

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists introduced six board members to Maritza Biological Station and the importance of our water research in the tropics.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Eco-friendly organic nanotubes encapsulating alkaline phosphatase and ecotoxicology of nanotubes to natural bacterial assemblages in coastal estuarine waters

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Montgomery, M.T., G.E. Collins, T.J. Boyd, C.L. Osburn, D. Oviedo-Vargas, and Q. Lu. 2019. American Chemical Society Omega 4(1):2196–2205.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

The fate and transport of allochthonous blue carbon in divergent coastal systems

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Bianchi, T.S., E. Morrison, S. Barry, A.R. Arellano, R.A. Feagin, A. Hinson, M. Eriksson, M. Allison, C.L. Osburn, and D. Oviedo-Vargas. 2018. Pages 27–49 in L. Windham-Myers, S. Crooks, and T.G. Troxler (editors), A Blue Carbon Primer. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.