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A boy carries a tree tube used to shelter a native tree in a streamside forest planting.

Earth Week Volunteers Give Streamside Forest a Helping Hand

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center wrapped up Earth Week by revisiting two streamside tree plantings for spring maintenance.

PFAS movement from points of use to farms and water.

Use Of Biosolids as Soil Amendments May Be a Pathway for PFAS Contamination of Soil, Water, and Ultimately, Our Food

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

To help understand the extent of this problem in Pennsylvania, scientists are looking at the occurrence and migration of biosolid-derived PFASs into soil and water on agricultural fields.

The Lehigh River in South Bethlehem with the SteelStacks in the background.

Why Is New York City Studying Pennsylvania’s Lehigh River?

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Melinda Daniels, Ph.D., was interviewed as part of an NPR story about a study that’s causing concern among Pennsylvanians who depend on the river for their livelihoods.

Changing of the Guard

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

It is with deep gratitude that we share the news that our friend and longtime board chair, Rod Moorhead, has stepped down to emeritus status.

Watershed Restoration Manage David Wise outside the Moorhead Environmental Center.

David Wise Receives DCNR Watershed Forestry Leadership Award

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Wise connects the dots between partners, funders, and landowners to increase the implementation of best practices in land management.

Restoring and Protecting Water Quality and Mitigating Flooding in Rural Landscapes

800 453 Stroud Water Research Center

Executive Director Dave Arscott, Ph.D., shared how Stroud Water Research Center is working to mitigate threats to water quality.

Stream Degradation and Restoration With Aquatic Insects as Our Guide

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

This webinar aimed to help agricultural conservation and ecosystem restoration practitioners reorient efforts toward watershed-scale approaches to achieve local restoration goals.

Dam, Dam Go Away: A Wild and Scenic Vision for America’s Rivers

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn about the policy and science of dam removal, federal protections for the free-flowing Delaware River, and the story of the Wild and Scenic Musconetcong River.

Reclaiming the Commons: Some Thoughts on Rivers, Wildlife, and People

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

By treating our commons as a resource to be exploited instead of a public trust to be protected, we threaten to destroy the very thing on which we depend.

Updates to Water Quality Mobile App Support Data Collection and Stream-to-Screen Education

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Are you looking for a new digital learning tool to support your water quality monitoring with students or citizen scientists? Check out Stroud Water Research Center’s Water Quality Mobile App.