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Watershed Restoration

Video still showing a webinar speaker against background image with the American Rivers logo.

From Cities to Suburbs to Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn from a panel of experts how natural and green infrastructure are paying off for the health of the Delaware River.

Restoring the River Continuum Community

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

We’re working with partners and land users to implement natural solutions to regenerate soils and safeguard fresh water, solutions that benefit both human communities and the entire ecosystem.

Volunteers Help Plant Trees for Healthy Streams

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The trees will help restore stream banks, create habitat corridors, and mitigate runoff from a nearby road.

Photo of rolled bales of hemp in a foggy field.

What Do Hemp Fiber, Soil Health, and Water Quality Have in Common?

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center has launched a collaborative project to study the cultivation, soil health and environmental impact, and manufacturing of industrial hemp fiber.

River with riparian forest

Stream and Buffer Ecology Webinar

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn about the links between buffers and stream health, how aquatic insects can guide watershed restoration, buffer planting and establishment basics, the connection between soil health and clean water, strategic choices for restoring riparian corridors, and new research on buffer establishment methods.

Volunteer Tree Planting

1024 576 Stroud Water Research Center

We will be planting approximately 2.75 acres with 675 trees on a primary tributary of Doe Run Creek. This planting will also serve as a research site as we will be collecting data on the growth rate of trees in two different types of tree tubes.

Photo of Martha Ressler's quilt honoring tree-planting volunteers.

700 Trees, Three Volunteers, and a Quilt

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Fiber artist Martha Ressler found a unique way to honor the volunteers who helped her and her husband Jay plant a “mini-forest” on their property: she immortalized them in a quilt.

Focusing on Farms to Safeguard the Delaware River

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

An article in Edible Philly dives into the effort to protect and restore clean water in the Delaware River watershed by working with farmers.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Stream restoration for legacy sediments at Gramies Run, Maryland: early lessons from implementation, water quality monitoring, and soil health

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Mattern, K., A. Lutgen, N. Sienkiewicz, G. Jiang , J. Kan, M. Peipoch, and S. Inamdar. 2020. Water 12(8):2164.

Soil Health Movement Is Reducing Water Pollution and Farmers’ Costs

661 431 Stroud Water Research Center

“We really want to try to help the scientific community understand what the impact of healthier soils is on delivery of pollutants to waterways.”