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Watershed Restoration

Restoration of Streamside Forest for Improving Water Quality

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Planting trees along the stream corridors is a best management practice for keeping pollutants out of streams and improving their health. 2013: In collaboration with the Brandywine Conservancy and Dansko,…

Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality — Brandywine Creek

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project involved planting 400 trees along Craigs Mill Run (1.8 acres) and 600 trees along the East Branch of Brandywine Creek (1.8 acres) in Pennsbury and East Brandywine townships, respectively, as a best management practice for keeping pollutants out of local streams and improving their health.

Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality — Red Clay Creek

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project involved an experimental planting of 500 trees on 1.5 acres of riparian land as a best management practice for keeping pollutants out of a headwater tributary of Red Clay Creek as well as creating a research site for testing the effects of herbicide use on the survival and growth of seedlings.

Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality — Crum Creek

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project involved an experimental planting of 925 trees on 4.1 acres of riparian land for keeping pollutants out of two headwater tributaries of Crum Creek and learning new insights into how to properly install the bird netting, associated with protective shelters, placed on all seedlings to increase their survival and growth.

Nutrient Management Plan Verification and Agricultural Recognition Program

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project will demonstrate the feasibility and implementation of in-field monitoring equipment for manure applications and field-specific water quality impacts of farming practices.

A golden shiner from a tributary to the Brandywine Creek.

Sharing Our Science: Spring 2014

250 220 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center Tackles Watershed Restoration; Getting to Know Rock Snot; Something Smells Fishy.

Dogwood trees blooming along the banks of White Clay Creek.

Trees Can Be a Stream’s Best Friend

300 400 Stroud Water Research Center

Tree-lined streams aren’t just pretty — healthy trees also make for healthier streams. How’s that, you ask?

Sialidae (alderflies)

$2 Million Kick-Starts Stroud Center’s Work in Delaware River

600 400 Stroud Water Research Center

46 environmental organizations will collaborate to monitor, protect, and restore critical freshwater sources for 15 million people from upstate New York to the mouth of the Delaware Bay.

A young streamside forest in Franklin Township, Pennsylvania.

Small Streams: The Heart and Soul of Waterways

300 225 Stroud Water Research Center

When it comes to water quality, size is definitely not everything. Listen up for the big impact of small streams