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Watershed Restoration

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Workshops: Farms for Food, Clean Water, and Healthy Streams

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

An opportunity for farmers and rural landowners to learn how conservation projects and forested buffers can restore their streams to healthier conditions.

Bern Sweeney standing in a newly planted riparian forest buffer.

How Many Trees Does It Take to Protect a Stream?

400 295 Stroud Water Research Center

A literature review by the Stroud Center concluded that forest buffers should be at least 30 meters, or nearly 100 feet, wide to adequately protect streams.

The indoor stream exhibit, complete with live fish, built for the Pa. farm show. 

Sharing Our Science: Winter 2014

300 212 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center Models Farm Stewardship at PA Farm Show; Wise Shares Importance of Trees to Streams; Sweeney Speaks In Support of Streamside Forests.

Lamonte Garber in the mountains of Nepal.

Connecting Land and Water Solutions: Lamonte Garber Joins Watershed Restoration Group

450 338 Stroud Water Research Center

Garber will serve as the watershed restoration coordinator, working with landowners and partnering agencies on restoration and conservation projects throughout Pennsylvania and beyond.

A newly planted riparian buffer with a barn in the background.

Applicants Requested for Farm Stewardship Program

400 265 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center’s Farm Stewardship Program helps landowners plan, fund, and implement conservation practices for long-term farm stewardship.

Cows fenced out of a stream.

UpStream Newsletter, June 2013

1024 831 Stroud Water Research Center

A Holistic Approach to Restoring Streams: Our Watershed Restoration Group has an ambitious goal — add forested buffers along the entire length of two streams over the next two years.

UpStream Newsletter, April 2013

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Building New Ideas on Old Foundations: “The River Continuum Concept” remains the most-often cited paper in its field. So, when Melinda Daniels, Ph.D., wrote “The River Discontinuum,” people noticed.

Cows standing in a stream.

A Holistic Approach to Restoring Streams

289 200 Stroud Water Research Center

The Watershed Restoration Group is building relationships with all of the farmers along two headwater tributaries to restore, protect, and monitor them.

Aerial view of a riparian buffer

New Watershed Restoration Group to Ensure Water Quality

350 260 Stroud Water Research Center

Group will bring our mission full circle by sharing knowledge of best management practices and helping landowners and stakeholders to implement them.

Fly River in Papua New Guinea.

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2011

355 266 Stroud Water Research Center

Two weeks into their work in Papua New Guinea, Dr. Anthony Aufdenkampe and his colleagues had already surveyed more than 600 miles of remote jungle rivers.