
Great Turnout “Fore” Fresh Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center
Jessica Provinski

By Jessica Provinski

Given the weather so far this spring, it came as no surprise that Stroud Water Research Center’s seventh annual Fore Fresh Water Golf Invitational took place on a cloudy and chilly day at Bidermann Golf Course in Wilmington, Delaware. The rain held off, and golfers enjoyed the course and tried hard for their foursome to not lose their yellow ball while playing. The foursomes lucky enough to retain their yellow ball received two strokes off of their score. The winning foursome with a score of 58 was Patrick Gleeton, Ben Phelps, John Bradley, and Joe Chott.

After the round of play, golfers enjoyed warming up in the beautiful tent during the cocktail reception sponsored by Brown Brothers Harriman.

Thank you to our 50/50 raffle winner, Ted Mowery, a guest of sponsor Mowery Environmental, who donated all of his winnings, $1,000, back to the Stroud Center. We are grateful to the record number of sponsors and golfers who helped to make this event so successful! Enjoy the photos, and we hope to see you at next year’s outing.