
Education News

Water Quality App screenshots.
Free App Turns Creek Exploration Into Education
The app allows educators, citizen scientists, and creek enthusiasts to learn about water quality and identify aquatic invertebrates with a user-friendly suite of tools.
Enliven Your Storytime with <em>Creek Critters</em>
Enliven Your Storytime with Creek Critters
Do you like scavenger hunts? How can you tell if creek water is clean and healthy? Join Lucas and his sister as they act like scientists looking for certain kinds
Melinda Daniels with experimental stream flumes.
Dive into Water Science Careers!
Our Water Science Career Videos engage viewers of all ages in real careers in freshwater-focused science, technology, engineering, and math.
WikiWatershed Toolkit
WikiWatershed Toolkit
The WikiWatershed® Toolkit supports citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students to advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
Water Quality App screenshots.
Water Quality Mobile App
The Water Quality mobile app is a water-monitoring learning tool designed for use by educators and their students, citizen scientists, and researchers. is an interdisciplinary effort to create an innovative resource for aquatic insect identification to support citizen science activities.