
Ecosystem Ecology Group

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

About the Group

The Ecosystem Ecology Group focuses on interactions among physical, chemical, and biological elements of riverine ecosystems that organize ecological behavior at local and regional scales. We are also interested in the effects of global change (land use, atmospheric deposition, emergent contaminants) on the structure and function of streams and rivers, and the need for more socio-ecological perspectives on conservation and restoration of running water ecosystems.

Ecosystem Ecology Staff

Photo of Stephanie Bernasconi hiking in the mountains

Stephanie Bernasconi

Staff Scientist, Part-Time Environmental Educator
Sara Geleskie Damiano

Sara Damiano

Staff Scientist
Headshot of Michael Gentile.

Michael Gentile

Staff Scientist
Rachel Johnson with an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station.

Rachel Leonard

Research Engineer Technician
Marc Peipoch, Ph.D.

Marc Peipoch, Ph.D.

Associate Research Scientist

Ecosystem Ecology News

Publication title with image of a mayfly
Eastern oyster clearance and respiration rates in response to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediment loads
La Peyre, M.K., S. Bernasconi, R. Lavaud, S.M. Casas, and J.F. La Peyrec. 2020. Journal of Sea Research 157, 101831.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Widespread cryptic viral infections in lotic biofilms
Payne, A.T., A.J. Davidson, J. Kan, M. Peipoch, R. Bier, and K. Williamson. 2020. Biofilm 2, 100016.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Spatial heterogeneity in water velocity drives leaf litter dynamics in streams
Bastias, E., M. Bolivar, M. Ribot, M. Peipoch, S.S.A. Thomas, F. Sabater, and E. Martí. 2019. Freshwater Biology 65(3):435–445.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Niche partitioning of microbial communities in riverine floodplains
Peipoch, M., S.R. Miller, T.R. Antao, and H.M. Valett. 2019. Science Reports 9, 16384.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Trophic interactions among algal blooms, macroinvertebrates, and brown trout: implications for trout recovery in a restored river
Peipoch, M., and H.M. Valett. 2019. River Research and Applications 35(9): 1563–1574.
Float and Flow in the Brandywine
Float and Flow in the Brandywine
To measure how fast algae grow while they are floating downstream, Stroud Center scientists floated, along with the algae, for an afternoon in canoes.