
Stroud Water Research Center: The First Fifty Years

899 605 Stroud Water Research Center

Anniversary book celebrating 50 years of Stroud Water Research Center history — from humble beginnings in 1967 to a world-renowned freshwater research institution.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Walk through the doors of the Moorhead Environmental Complex into Stroud Water Research Center’s 50-year history of research, education, watershed restoration, and the preservation of freshwater ecosystems.
  • Research: The Stroud Center was founded as a field laboratory for conducting basic research on streams and rivers, and 50 years later, research remains the core principle and driving force behind its mission.
  • Education: The Stroud Center’s wide-ranging programs to educate the public reflect its determination to unlock the secrets of fresh water, increase public understanding of water issues, and help people around the world become better stewards of their water resources.
  • Watershed Restoration: Guided by the belief that healthy streams depend on good land-use practices, Stroud Center research has long focused on ways to help landowners and policymakers design and implement best practices.
  • International Presence: From their laboratories and classrooms on the banks of White Clay Creek, Stroud Center scientists and educators travel around the world to ask new questions and bring their knowledge to new people and places.
  • Campus and Watershed: From the wet lab that carried White Clay Creek’s water through the original building, the Stroud Center has transcended traditional lines between indoors and outside and used innovative technology to protect our most important natural resource.
  • Community: The Stroud Center’s founders did not envision an ivory tower cut off from the world around it, but a vibrant and open place, intimately connected to the community of which it is a part.
  • People: From the Stroud Center’s beginning in 1967, a remarkable succession of people have dedicated themselves to fulfilling its mission, spreading its vision, and ensuring its long-term intellectual vigor and financial health.