Watershed Restoration Videos

Stream Degradation and Restoration With Aquatic Insects as Our Guide
This webinar aimed to help agricultural conservation and ecosystem restoration practitioners reorient efforts toward watershed-scale approaches to achieve local restoration goals.

Cover Crop Coaching Webinar Recordings Available
Watch recordings of this unique webinar series about how to work with your farmers for cover crop success.

Better Gardens, Better Soils: Improve Water Quality and Soil Health in Your Backyard
With a little bit of knowledge and prep work in the off season, you can just plant and harvest. Wouldn’t that be nice?

From Cities to Suburbs to Farms: How Innovative Water Management Helps River Health
Learn from a panel of experts how natural and green infrastructure are paying off for the health of the Delaware River.

Improving Soil Health for Climate Change Resiliency
Jim Harbach has practiced no-till farming for 30 years and has documented how his soils can better withstand the extreme weather swings associated with climate change.

How Streams Work and the Role of Forests
Understanding how streams work and the importance of trees to streams is fundamental to engaging landowners and decision makers.