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A workshop flyer with cattle in the foreground.

Workshop Set for Berks County Farmers

400 242 Stroud Water Research Center

Berks County Conservation District and Stroud Water Research Center will be showcasing Best Management Practices and funding sources at Spring Creek Farm.

Nutrient Management Plan Verification and Agricultural Recognition Program

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project will demonstrate the feasibility and implementation of in-field monitoring equipment for manure applications and field-specific water quality impacts of farming practices.

Barnyard runoff in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Scientist to Deliver Healthy Streams Program for Area Farmers

300 287 Stroud Water Research Center

Bernard Sweeney, Ph.D., director of Stroud Water Research Center, will present information about streams and how they can be improved.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Workshops: Farms for Food, Clean Water, and Healthy Streams

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

An opportunity for farmers and rural landowners to learn how conservation projects and forested buffers can restore their streams to healthier conditions.

A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.

Free Event to Focus on Conservation and Animal Health

1024 681 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center is hosting a presentation for equine farm managers focused on conservation planning, stream ecology, and animal deworming issues.

Rio Sierpe, Costa Rica.

Stroud Center Awarded Grant to Study Agricultural Contaminants

450 338 Stroud Water Research Center

Pesticides and other contaminants from agriculture pose an unknown threat to the Rio Sierpe ecosystem and to humans who eat contaminated fish and shellfish.

Pennylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture logo.

Sweeney to Address Farming for the Future Conference

453 117 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center Director Bern Sweeney will underscore the critical connection between our “foodsheds” and the health of the “watersheds” in which we live.