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A man stands with his dog on a rocky point overlooking a lake.

Environmental Educator Steve Mohapp Teaches Others by First Listening

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

For Steve Mohapp, teaching comes as naturally as his love of nature. One might even say it’s in his blood.

An video still showing an aerial view of buildings near a lake in an arid environment.

Future of Water

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

The scarcity of drinking water is beginning to capture the world’s attention but a radical source of water might just be found in one of Earth’s driest places.

A group of scouts and leaders take a break from their service project.

Scouts From 12 Troops Tackle Hybrid Merit Badge Program

1024 576 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center educators hosted their second hybrid merit badge program for Scouts BSA this fall using an improved online learning platform.

Making Connections event banner

Making Connections: Pa. Department of Education STEELS Standards and the MWEE

800 352 Stroud Water Research Center

Join colleagues from across Pennsylvania to engage with the new standards and explore connections to the Meaningful Watershed Education Experience.

Stroud Center educators give thumbs up as they prepare to take the Watershed Education Mobile Lab on the road.

Watershed Education Mobile Lab Advances Environmental Literacy

640 360 Stroud Water Research Center

Students and educators in the Shenandoah Valley explored watershed science with our mobile lab, learning how their actions impact the Chesapeake Bay.

Staff from First Resource Bank and the Stroud Center hold an oversized check representing a donation.

First Resource Bank Boosts Its Support of Education Programming

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Thanks to First Resource Bank for their $3,500 donation to our environmental education program through an Earned Income Tax Credit contribution.

Flowers growing in brightly colored tire planters.

Two Environmental Education Workshops in One Day!

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join us one or both sessions!
— Morning session: Mapping MWEEs in the NEW PA Environmental Literacy & Sustainability Standards.
— Afternoon session: Community Engagement: Guidelines for Excellence.

Children dip their hands into a tub of river water with freshwater clams.

Water Protectors: Celebrating the Seneca Nation’s Efforts to Strengthen the Next Generation of Freshwater Stewards

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center educators worked with Seneca Nation leaders on meaningful freshwater education concepts to empower their citizens to improve their tribal waterways.

A schoolyard optimized for environmental education.

[Virtual Educator Workshop] Improving Schoolyards for Outdoor Environmental Education and Stewardship

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn directly from participating teachers and Stroud Center education staff about a collaborative approach to creating outdoor learning spaces on school campuses.

Teachers collecting aquatic macroinvertebrates at a workshop.

Getting Hands-On Integrating Environmental Education

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

See what 3d teaching and learning looks and feels like as we align to new PA state standards for science and environmental literacy.