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Advancing Education Programs and Community Outreach – Oxford Area

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Continued support enables the expansion of education and outreach in southeastern Pennsylvania, including K–12 school programs, out-of-school youth programs, educator professional development trainings, and community science projects.(Project details may change…

Model My Watershed

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center continues to maintain and update the Model My Watershed® web application.Funded by: Stroud Water Research Center, William Penn Foundation, Pa. Department of Environmental ProtectionPrincipal Investigators: David…

A family of four paddles a red canoe on a lake.

Family Day Engages Latino Community of Chester County in Outdoor Recreation

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Park and nonprofit partners led a day of fishing, canoeing, and nature exploration for families, with instruction in both English and Spanish.

The HerStory in STREAM participants gather for a group photo with their banner.

Telling “HerStory” in STREAM

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Teen girls develop career and leadership skills through the new Stroud Center program that brings women in science together.

Elementary schools students use binoculars to look for birds in Philadelphia.

Celebrate Living Schoolyards Month

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

You can celebrate by bringing your students and lessons outdoors. If your school doesn’t have an outdoor learning space, you can create one!

Teachers collecting aquatic macroinvertebrates at a workshop.

Dive Into K–8 MWEEs in the New Pa. STEELS Standards

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn about the new standards with a deep dive into a 10-lesson watershed unit for grades 4–8. 

Five girls walking in a stream.

Scientists for a Day

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Students visiting the Stroud Center gather data to help answer a guiding question: “How healthy is the East Branch of White Clay Creek?”

A child in a wheelchair uses a net to capture creek critters.

Wild About Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Creek Critters, a book for kids created in partnership with Stroud Water Research Center, inspires scientific discovery in a Utah school.

Children and parents look at wild fish humanely captured from White Clay Creek.

Philly-Area Families and Friends of the Stroud Center Celebrate World Water Day for a Second Year

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Squeals of delight echoed through the woods as children, along with their parents, got up-close glimpses of fish living in White Clay Creek.