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Research technicians weigh, identify, and record fish and amphibians sampled during a stream survey.

National Park Service Taps Stroud Center Team to Review Water Quality Data

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

“We are really leaning on Stroud to provide the aquatic ecology piece, to help us put data into context and advance our understanding of watershed health.”

Katie Billé working with a composite macroinvertebrate sample next to a stream.

What Do Yoga, Creek Swimming, and Mystery Author Agatha Christie Have in Common?

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Katie Billé left the Stroud Center to pursue a graduate degree in aquatic ecology. With that goal completed, she has returned for a second go at her dream job.

Kristen McCarthy at Niagara Falls.

Meet “Waterfallologist” Kristen McCarthy

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McCarthy’s friends started calling her a “waterfallologist” during her undergrad years. A continuing focus on water quality and resources led her to the Stroud Center.

Meet Tim Smith, Data Analyst

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The seeds of interest which would ultimately lead Tim Smith to the Stroud Center were planted along the banks of Yellow Breeches Creek.

Website Helps Landowners Lease Farms Wisely to Promote Soil Health, Water Quality

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center is a free resource helping landowners grow better relationships with tenant farmers that incentivize long-term investments on land that also address broader environmental impacts.

Stroud Water Research Center Celebrates Chad Pregracke of Living Lands & Waters

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Chad Pregracke was presented with the Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence in recognition of his dedication and determination to protect fresh water.

Visiting Scientist Goes with the Flow

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Clara Mendoza-Lera’s research will investigate the burden that heavy storms and flooding, worsened by climate change, place on stream ecosystem health.

Sign reading We Planted Trees for Clean Water

Fifty Thousand Reasons Why the Watershed Restoration Program Is Six Years Strong

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

In the last six years, Stroud Water Research Center has planted nearly 50,000 trees for clean water and healthy streams.

High school students looking at their water sample in an outdoor classroom

Students Learn to Solve Water Resource Challenges

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The new WATERS project will develop a student-centered curriculum for students of all abilities to learn water concepts and about water careers.

WikiWatershed® Wins Green Stormwater Infrastructure Award

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Excellence in GSI Award recognizes work in the Greater Philadelphia region celebrating a nature-based approach to stormwater management.