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Graphic showing what percentage of nitrogen, sediments, and pesticides are kept out of a stream by a 100-foot tree buffer

The Restored Watershed: 50 Years of Solutions for Clean Fresh Water

1024 777 Stroud Water Research Center

For the last 50 years scientists at Stroud Water Research Center have demonstrated the connection between good land-use practices and clean fresh water, between healthy soil and healthy water.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Storm events restructured bacterial community and their biogeochemical potentials

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Kan, J. 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123(7):2257–2269.

Denis Newbold named a 2018 SFS Fellow

Denis Newbold Named SFS Fellow

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Society for Freshwater Science Fellows are the leaders, at national and international levels, of their areas of freshwater science.

Ameletus mayfly nymph by David H. Funk

Get Your Freshwater Science Taxonomic Certification

1024 680 Stroud Water Research Center

Through the accurate and precise identification of these organisms, you will be better prepared to record taxonomic data for biomonitoring programs.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Diversity and distribution of anammox bacteria in water column and sediments of the Eastern Indian Ocean

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Gang Q., J. Wanga, J. Kan, X. Zhanga, Z. Xiaa, X. Zhanga, Y. Miaoa, and J. Sun. 2018. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 133:52–62.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Direct channel precipitation and storm characteristics influence short‐term fallout radionuclide assessment of sediment source

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Karwan, D.L., J.E. Pizzuto, R. Aalto, J. Marquard, A. Harpold, K. Skalak, A. Benthem, D.F. Levia, C.M. Siegert, and A.K. Aufdenkampe. 2018. Water Resources Research, 54. 

Screenshot of Caddisflies, Engineering an Ecosystem video

Research Reveals Caddisflies are Ecosystem Engineers

1024 575 Stroud Water Research Center

Hydropsychid caddisflies spin silk mesh nets that they use to filter feed. These nets are important ecosystem engineering structures in flowing waters.

Heavy equipment at a wetland construction site.

Scientists Monitor New Wetland Designed for Flood Control and Improved Stream Habitat

800 601 Stroud Water Research Center

Because of flooding caused by Hurricane Sandy, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation provided Stroud Water Research Center with a $3 million grant to reduce flooding across the 1,800-acre White Clay Creek watershed by 40 percent.

Experimental Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality – Dixon Property

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project involved an experimental planting of 600 trees and shelters on 1.8 acres of riparian land along Buck Run in East Fallowfield Township, Pennsylvania. The project was designed to…