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Stories From the Clean Water Paddle Push

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Participants as far away as Alaska and Hawaii logged 149 hours on the water and raised more than $3,000 to support clean fresh water while enjoying their favorite body of water.

Scientists Explore the Power of Hemp and Better Farming Methods to Build Healthy Soils and Protect Clean Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Two recent field days gave us an opportunity to present updates on research projects examining the connection between farming methods, healthy soils, and clean fresh water.

Stroud Center Engages English Language Learners in Watershed STEM

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Students at the Migrant Education Summer Camp went on an online watershed expedition to learn about their local watersheds.

John Young and Lamonte Garber take stock of a three-acre riparian buffer planted on the Young farm.

A Riparian Buffer Takes Root in Lancaster County

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Maintenance is critical to the survival of riparian buffers. We visited John Young on a buffer maintenance day, checking in on the trees, the weeds, and the birds.

Nicole Wickenhauser in Bangladesh.

Ready, Set, Go: How Marathoner Nicole Wickenhauser Is Poised to Protect Clean Fresh Water

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

At, Wickenhauser connected funders to projects that deeply resonated with their unique interests. She hopes to be part of a similar trajectory of impact at Stroud Water Research Center.

A woman carries tree shelters as she helps maintain a streamside forest buffer.

Doing Good Better: Refining Buffer Restoration Methods

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The goal of improving the survival and growth of trees has persisted through decades of research. Yet, with every new advance, new questions arise.

Teachers learn how to use foldable microscopes at workshop.

Teachers Bring Home Lessons From the Amazon

800 448 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center and its partners are developing curricula that take the lessons the Amazon offers for how to live sustainably to schools and communities across the globe.

Research technicians weigh, identify, and record fish and amphibians sampled during a stream survey.

National Park Service Taps Stroud Center Team to Review Water Quality Data

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

“We are really leaning on Stroud to provide the aquatic ecology piece, to help us put data into context and advance our understanding of watershed health.”

Melissa Ho, Ph.D.

The 2021 Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence

400 400 Stroud Water Research Center

The 2021 Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence will be presented to Melissa D. Ho, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Fresh Water and Food at World Wildlife Fund.

Katie Billé working with a composite macroinvertebrate sample next to a stream.

What Do Yoga, Creek Swimming, and Mystery Author Agatha Christie Have in Common?

544 408 Stroud Water Research Center

Katie Billé left the Stroud Center to pursue a graduate degree in aquatic ecology. With that goal completed, she has returned for a second go at her dream job.