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Stroud Center Science Informed Fracking Ban Decision

500 280 Stroud Water Research Center

The accidental release of hydraulic fracking wastewater into streams, even a single drop mixed with 100 drops of streamwater, will harm or kill aquatic insects and even certain fish species.

The Riparian Buffer Arboretum showcases woody species that are proven performers for floodplains.

Tour Our Riparian Buffer Mini-Arboretum

638 358 Stroud Water Research Center

In the interest of testing new plants that could further enhance riparian areas, we’ve planted a mini-arboretum along the banks of White Clay Creek in our experimental watershed.

First Resource Bank made a $2,500 Earned Income Tax Credit contribution to environmental education.

First Resource Bank Contribution Boosts Virtual and In-Person Education Programming

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The environmental education team is staying active during the pandemic by offering smaller, outside, in-person classes and virtual programming to teachers across the state and beyond.

Cloeon dipterum, female imago (adult).

Oxygen Not Behind Threat To Mayflies When Temps Rise

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

When stream temperatures rise, often as a result of climate change or thermal pollution or a lack of tree shade, mayflies display poorer growth.

Full STEAM Ahead: Delivering Education Programming to Girls’ Doorsteps

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The freshwater-focused activities can be completed without professional instruction, advanced technologies, English language fluency, or access to high-quality green spaces.

Welcome, Seetha Coleman-Kammula, New Board Member

300 300 Stroud Water Research Center

Coleman-Kammula is co-founder and president of the Science Technology and Research Institute of Delaware and president of PFAS Solutions.

A corn field interseeded with a crimson clover and ryegrass cover crop.

Cover Crop Coaching Webinar Recordings Available

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch recordings of this unique webinar series about how to work with your farmers for cover crop success.

Spring growth of a ryegrass cover crop in a field, farmhouse and farm in the distance.

Expanding Watershed Restoration Beyond the Stream Corridor

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Healthy streams need healthy watersheds. Improving soil health in farm fields can be a very cost-effective way to reach water-quality goals.

Diana Oviedo-Vargas downloading data from a sensor located in White Clay Creek to a field laptop.

Oviedo Vargas Shares Her STEM Career Journey

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center biogeochemist was featured in a women-in-STEM webinar series hosted by EarthEcho International.

David Wise standing in front of a shrub border.

David Wise Recognized as a Good Natured Pennsylvanian

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Growing up in Lancaster County and playing in its creeks, Wise had an up-close view of some of the water-quality issues he is now working to correct.