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Macroinvertebrate identification workshop in Peru.

Expanding the Leaf Pack Network® to South and Central America

300 225 Stroud Water Research Center

The goal is to create a conservation ethic that integrates ordinary people into the decision-making process by putting simple assessment tools into their hands.

People in a marketplace in Papua New Guinea.

Pursuing Science Half a World Away: The Fly River in Papua New Guinea

1024 609 Stroud Water Research Center

First article in a series about an international team of scientists following the transformation of river-borne carbon from the sources of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea to its sink.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2010

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center has been recording daily, monthly, seasonal, annual — and even multiyear data — in Costa Rica to gain insights on climate change.

Maritza Biological Station dormitory with Orosi volcano in the background.

Studying Tropical Waters To Understand the Impacts of Climate Change

300 201 Stroud Water Research Center

Recording data patterns will provide a climatic template that will help us to create a scalable model of what we might expect as our climate changes.

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2010

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Yellowstone Lake is the subject of exciting research by Jinjun Kan, the microbial ecologist who will join the Stroud Water Research Center in the spring.

UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2009

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center and the University of Delaware will study whether human-induced erosion modifies greenhouse gas emissions from the landscape.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2009

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The International Bar Code of Life project has the potential to revolutionize research, pest and disease control, food safety, and much more.

UpStream Newsletter, Winter 2009

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

After almost three years at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, Dave Arscott will return to serve as the Stroud Center’s assistant director.

UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2008

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Each of us affects the quality of our drinking water — and there’s a lot we can do as individuals to protect it from harmful contaminants and pollutants.

Spanish Leaf Pack Workshop participants identifying stream insects.

Five Days + Seventeen People = A World of Promise

1000 750 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center gained invaluable insights into ways to improve and adapt our popular Leaf Pack Kit for use in Spanish-speaking countries and the tropics.