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Watershed Restoration

Tree shelters and tree seedlings ready to be planted in a riparian buffer.

Food, Flora, and Fun at Lancaster’s Native Plant and Wildlife Festival

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Need garden inspo, or just want to enjoy nature? Join Stroud Water Research Center at Lancaster’s Native Plant and Wildlife Festival for food, flora, and fun!

2022 Lancaster Water Week Stream Care Workday

Stream Care Workday

800 400 Stroud Water Research Center

Help take care of our streamsides across Lancaster County! We will be planting trees, weeding, and tending to native plantings.

A boy carries a tree tube used to shelter a native tree in a streamside forest planting.

Earth Day Volunteer Event

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Celebrate Earth Day with Stroud Water Research Center and Victory Brewing Company by helping with spring maintenance tasks on riparian buffer plantings along Buck Run. All ages are welcome!

Some Insights on Reforestation Methods

Some Insights on Reforestation Methods

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch a video presentation outlining our research and case studies on how to maximize tree survival and growth in forested stream buffers.

A red building tucked in the middle of a vast tilled field.

Organic No-Till: Searching for the Holy Grail in Agriculture

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Progress continues toward developing sustainable farming systems that can reduce chemical use, preserve and regenerate soils, and protect freshwater systems.

Greg Wilson with a small fish in a net.

In Memoriam: Greg Wilson

800 613 Stroud Water Research Center

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our friend Greg Wilson, a force for good in the restoration of Lancaster County’s freshwater streams.

Donegal Trout Unlimited members next to a stream.

Greg Wilson and Donegal Trout Unlimited: Devoted to Repairing Streams

750 400 Stroud Water Research Center

Improving a stream along your property protects the stream, your land, and trout habitat, along with helping the Chesapeake Bay.

Mike Brubaker in a field at Brubaker Farms.

Brubaker Farms, a Stroud Center Partner, Wins Leopold Conservation Award

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center worked with the Brubakers on measures to protect water quality, including manure management, fencing cows out of Donegal Creek, and planting streamside forest buffers.

Soil Health Coordinator Lisa Blazure sitting at a soil health study site in the Susquehanna watershed.

“How’s My Soil?” How We’re Helping Farmers Answer This Question

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The Soil Health Benchmark study lets farmers assess the health of their soils and see it compares to the data of their peers. 

A group of educators at the dedication of the West Chester Area School District Water Quality Education Center.

Stroud Center Partner Opens New Water Quality Education Center

600 400 Stroud Water Research Center

West Chester Area School District’s three outdoor learning classrooms and interpretative signage will engage students, teachers, and the greater community for generations to come.