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Watershed Restoration

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Basinwide programs in the Chesapeake and Delaware: similar nature, distinct strategies

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Freedman, P., M. Ehrhart, and K. Hall. 2018. Water Resources Impact 20(5):14–16.

Cows fenced out of a stream.

Good Fences Make Good Water

1024 831 Stroud Water Research Center

Cows wading in a stream might make a pretty picture but the reality is a lot less pleasant. Find out why in this 1-minute podcast featuring Jinjun Kan, Ph.D.

Farmer showing health soil in a field

Premiere of “The Lay of the Land: Healthy Soil, Healthy Water”

800 437 Stroud Water Research Center

Celebrate Lancaster Ag Week by joining us for the premiere of this short film featuring local farmers sharing their experiences of how best management practices improve their bottom line and protect water quality in our streams and rivers.

Graphic showing what percentage of nitrogen, sediments, and pesticides are kept out of a stream by a 100-foot tree buffer

The Restored Watershed: 50 Years of Solutions for Clean Fresh Water

1024 777 Stroud Water Research Center

For the last 50 years scientists at Stroud Water Research Center have demonstrated the connection between good land-use practices and clean fresh water, between healthy soil and healthy water.

Illustration with a farm in the distance and healthy soil with organisms in the foreground

Soil Health Management: Changing Conversations, Revolutionizing Agriculture

600 262 Stroud Water Research Center

Soil health management recognizes that the soil is a diverse, dynamic ecosystem that, under proper management, will support healthy crops with fewer inputs.

Fourth graders taking tree measurements

Learning Leading to Action: Young Heroes Protecting Our Waterways

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Students are not only learning how to protect our waterways; they are also conducting their own scientific research or restoring healthy streams — or sometimes both.

Joining Forces With Farmers to Protect Clean Water

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center and its Delaware River Watershed Initiative partners are helping farmers implement agricultural best management practices to protect clean water.

Preserving Chesapeake Freshwater Resources Through Farming Outreach and Partnerships

491 311 Stroud Water Research Center

Join Matt Ehrhart for a free discussion on the Stroud Center’s efforts to help farmers use best management practices for whole farm restoration — preventing freshwater pollution in the Chesapeake Bay at its source.

Steve Groff kneels in a field of hairy vetch, triticale and clover on his farm in Holtwood, Pa. The field has been rolled. Photo by Philip Gruber, courtesy of Lancaster Farming

Tips for Cover Cropping Success

450 334 Stroud Water Research Center

The Stroud Center sponsors a series of cover cropping articles written by Steve Groff, a cover crop researcher and owner of Cover Crop Coaching.

American mink standing on rocks

Secretive Mink Caught on Video in White Clay Creek

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

This was an unusual sighting because American mink are most active at night and in the early morning hours. It’s also a good sign for White Clay Creek.