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Cows standing in a stream.
A Holistic Approach to Restoring Streams
The Watershed Restoration Group is building relationships with all of the farmers along two headwater tributaries to restore, protect, and monitor them.
Jen Mosher sampling a tributary of Biscuit Brook, Neversink Watershed, New York.
UpStream Newsletter, February 2013
Meet Jen Mosher, Post-Doctoral Associate: As one of the Stroud Center’s post-doctoral researchers, exploring the outdoors is in Mosher's job description, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Rafa Morales, station manager at Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica, with Jamie Blaine, author.
Talking About Rafa: Maritza’s Manager In Words and Pictures
Those who know Morales best describe him with words that are often identical: Intelligent. Conscientious. Responsible. Curious. Honest. Funny.
Rafa Morales, station manager at Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica, with Jamie Blaine, author.
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2012
Talking About Rafa --Maritza’s Manager In Words and Pictures: Rafa Morales was hired to collect macroinvertebrates at Maritza Biological Station in Costa Rica. A year later, he was in charge
Rio Tempisquito Sur
Maritza: Unlocking the Secrets of Water in the Developing World
“Our work at Maritza is critical to our mission. It has enabled us to understand global water and climate issues in ways we could not have done without it.”
The exterior of the Moorhead Environmental Complex at dusk.
UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2012
The Moorhead Environmental Complex -- Sharing Stroud Science Starts Here: The board of directors cut the ribbon on a new building for environmental education and public outreach that models sustainable
J. Denis Newbold, Ph.D., at his desk
UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2012
A Seeker of the Truth: Denis Newbold, Ph.D., holds both strong political beliefs and an absolute commitment to scientific rigor, not an easy place to be when science is under
Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling receive the SAFE Water Award.
The Water’s Edge: An Evening in Review
Olivia Newton-John and John Easterling received the Stroud Award for Freshwater Excellence for their commitment to rainforest conservation in the Amazon River basin.
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2011
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2011
Gone Fishin’ -- Evaluating the Threat of Agricultural Contaminants in the Río Sierpe: Stroud Center scientists worked in Costa Rican watersheds to identify contaminants as well as contaminated species that
Map of sampling sites in the Rio Sierpe and Grande de Terraba watersheds in Costa Rica.
Gone Fishin’: Evaluating the Threat of Agricultural Contaminants in the Río Sierpe
Stroud Center scientists sampled the Río Sierpe and Grande de Terraba watersheds to identify contaminants as well as contaminated species that threaten humans who consume them.
Screenshot of Model My Watershed web app
Model My Watershed® Reaches Students and Teachers
The web app has a dynamic, videogame-like interface that lets students see how modifying land use in their own neighborhoods can affect water quality.
Fly River in Papua New Guinea.
UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2011
The difference between the organic materials that enter and leave a river system tells us how the river affects greenhouse gases.