
Entomology Group

600 400 Stroud Water Research Center

The Entomology Group studies factors that affect the distribution and abundance of aquatic invertebrates, the functional role of invertebrates in stream and river ecosystems, and how these invertebrate communities respond to human activities in temperate and tropical watersheds.

Insect icon

Looking for macroinvertebrate identification resources?

Entomology Staff

Headshot of Jan Battle.

Juliann Battle

Staff Scientist
Katie Billé

Catherine Billé

Staff Scientist
Michael Broomall headshot.

Michael Broomall

Staff Scientist, Taxonomic Certification Program Coordinator
David Funk

David Funk

Entomologist, Director of Facilities
Adam Gochnauer

Adam Gochnauer

Staff Scientist
Courtland Hess

Courtland Hess

Staff Scientist
John Jackson, Ph.D.

John Jackson, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist
Sherman Roberts

Sherman Roberts

Staff Scientist

Entomology News

Publication title with image of a mayfly
To achieve the Clean Water Act’s goals, prioritize upstream ecology
Ensign, S.H., D.B. Arscott, M. Daniels, C. Dow, J.K. Jackson, D. Oviedo-Vargas, and M. Peipoch. 2024. Water Resources IMPACT 26(3): 19–21.
A female mayfly with a ball of eggs attached to the underside of her abdomen.
The Magic of Mayflies
If you’ve ever hiked along a woodland stream on a warm spring day, you may have seen these tiny creatures swarming together, fluttering in a midair dance.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Variation in freshwater insect osmoregulatory traits: A comparative approach
Cochran, J.K., S.E. Orr, D.H. Funk, A.C. Figurskey, M.H. Reiskind, and D.B. Buchwalter. 2024. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, early online access.
A map of southeastern Pennsylvania showing impacted streams and developed land use.
The Stream Restoration Puzzle
A new Stroud Water Research Center presentation examines why investment projects often fail to meet water quality standards.
Stroud Center Collaborations Amplify Impact on Fresh Water
Stroud Center Collaborations Amplify Impact on Fresh Water
Scientists, educators, and watershed restoration professionals are working together to create long-lasting and positive impacts on waterways.
The 2023 interns pose in front of a Stroud Center backdrop.
Meet Our 2023 Interns
Our interns assist with research and other mission-focused work and gain valuable professional experience and networking opportunities.