Stroud Water Research Center’s programs and staff have received numerous awards in the areas of science, technology, education, and the environment. Check them out! If you like what you see, give us some love on social media @StroudCenter, subscribe to our newsletter for exciting updates, and consider supporting our work.

Bern Sweeney Recognized With Prestigious Ruth Patrick Award

Lamonte Garber Recognized as a Good Natured Pennsylvanian

Stream Cleanup Project Wins Award from Lancaster County Planning

Bern Sweeney of the Stroud Center Named Society for Freshwater Science Fellow

Stronger Together: A Nonprofit Partnership Raises Road Salt Awareness

STREAM Girls Leader Honored by Trout Unlimited Chapter

Stroud Water Research Center Named Winner of 2021 Amazon Web Services Imagine Grant for Nonprofits

David Wise Receives DCNR Watershed Forestry Leadership Award

David Wise Recognized as a Good Natured Pennsylvanian

Creek Critters a Finalist for Excellence in Hands-On Science Book Award

Newbold Honored With Society of Freshwater Science Award of Excellence

WikiWatershed® Wins Green Stormwater Infrastructure Award

Amazon Names the Stroud Center’s Model My Watershed a “City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge” Winner

Denis Newbold Named SFS Fellow

WikiWatershed Makes the List of Top 20 Civic Tech Websites for Urban Planners

Award-Winning Web Toolkit Helps Protect Fresh Water

Conservation Awards Given to Stroud Center and Deep Roots Valley Farm

Stroud Center Honored with Two Conservation Awards

Stroud Center Gets Award for Environmental Education Programs

Scientist Honored for Service to Water Sciences Community

Sweeney Receives Forest Champion Lifetime Achievement Award

Sweeney Receives Distinguished Service Award

Sweeney Accepts Honorary Garden Club of America Membership

Director Sweeney Honored with Garden Club of America Award

Director Bern Sweeney Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Stroud Center Director Receives National Conservation Award

Stroud Water Research Center Wins a Telly Award

Stroud Water Research Center Wins State Watershed Award