The Entomology Group studies factors that affect the distribution and abundance of aquatic invertebrates, the functional role of invertebrates in stream and river ecosystems, and how these invertebrate communities respond to human activities in temperate and tropical watersheds.
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Entomology News
Watershed survey of streams in western Bhutan with macroinvertebrates, water chemistry, bacteria and DNA barcodes
Battle, J.M., B.W. Sweeney, B. Currinder, A. Aufdenkampe, B. Fisher, and N. Islam. 2024. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16(11): 26089–26103.
Stroud Center Goes Live with Fox 29 Weather Team
Meteorologist Drew Anderson got his feet wet in White Clay Creek as some of our scientists discussed healthy streams with viewers of the live show.
Too Hot to Handle: How Rising Temperature Impacts Streams
Human activities are increasing stream temperatures and harming habitat quality for freshwater fish and species like mayflies.
To achieve the Clean Water Act’s goals, prioritize upstream ecology
Ensign, S.H., D.B. Arscott, M. Daniels, C. Dow, J.K. Jackson, D. Oviedo-Vargas, and M. Peipoch. 2024. Water Resources IMPACT 26(3): 19–21.
The Magic of Mayflies
If you’ve ever hiked along a woodland stream on a warm spring day, you may have seen these tiny creatures swarming together, fluttering in a midair dance.
Variation in freshwater insect osmoregulatory traits: A comparative approach
Cochran, J.K., S.E. Orr, D.H. Funk, A.C. Figurskey, M.H. Reiskind, and D.B. Buchwalter. 2024. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, early online access.