
Microbiology Group

355 279 Stroud Water Research Center

Microbial life such as bacteria, fungi, and algae are integral to a naturally functioning aquatic ecosystem. By applying comprehensive molecular approaches, this laboratory is focused on characterizing the composition and distribution of microbial communities, and determining the functional roles as well as their interactions with environments.


Jinjun Kan, Ph.D.

Jinjun Kan, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist
Laura Zgleszewski

Laura Zgleszewski

Staff Scientist


Publication title with image of a mayfly
Assessment of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA as a method to determine bacterial productivity in streambed sediments
Kaplan, L.A., T.L. Bott, and J.K. Bielicki. 1992. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 58:3614–3621.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Habitat specific differences in persistence and effects of introduced cellulolytic bacteria used as surrogates for GEMS
Bott, T.L., and L.A. Kaplan. 1992. Pages 135–139 in J.E. Harvey (editor). Proceedings of the 4th Investigators meeting for EPA’s Biotechnology-Biological Control Agent Risk Assessment Research Program, Report No. EPA/600/R-92/147.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
A survey of assimilable organic carbon, biodegradable organic carbon, and coliform growth response in drinking waters throughout the United States
Kaplan, L.A., D.J. Reasoner, E.W. Rice, and T.L. Bott. 1992. Revue des Sciences de l’Eau 5:207–224.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Potential for protozoan grazing of bacteria in streambed sediments
Bott, T.L., and L.A. Kaplan. 1990. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 9:336–345.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Cellulolytic bacteria as surrogates for genetically engineered microorganisms: microcosm studies of persistence and effects in streambed sediments
Bott, T.L., and L.A. Kaplan. 1990. Pages 139–143 in ORD Biotechnology Risk Assessment Program (editor). Review of Progress in the Biotechnology-Microbial Pest Control Agent Risk Assessment Program, Report No. EPA/600/9-90/029.


Densities of benthic protozoa and nematodes in a piedmont stream

Bott, T.L., and L.A. Kaplan. 1989. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 8:187–196.

Measurement of assimilable organic carbon in water distribution systems by a simplified bioassay technique

Kaplan, L.A., and T.L. Bott. 1989. Pages 475–498 in Proceedings Water Quality Technology Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. 

Acclimation of stream-bed heterotrophic microflora: metabolic responses to dissolved organic matter

Kaplan, L.A., and T.L. Bott. 1985. Freshwater Biology 15:479–492.

Adenylate energy charge in streambed sediments

Kaplan, L.A., and T.L. Bott. 1985. Freshwater Biology 15:133–138.