The Pennsylvania Growing Greener program recently awarded Stroud Water Research Center with a 2.5-year grant to offer watershed monitoring training, mentorship, and educational programming through the Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds (C-SAW).
C-SAW enters its 20th year of success, with a track record of helping over 360 Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations and over 42,000 citizens pursue watershed monitoring, protection, and restoration.
The Stroud Center is a proud partner in C-SAW with Dickinson College, Conemaugh Valley Conservancy, Delaware River Network, Pennsylvania Lake Management Society, and the US Geological Survey.
C-SAW’s mission is to transfer knowledge and skills to watershed groups and build capacity to undertake watershed assessments and monitoring. All Pennsylvania-based watershed and conservation organizations may be eligible for free training, mentorship, and technical support. Application information is available on the C-SAW website.