
Sharing 21st Century Tools With Educators

689 518 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center educators recently partnered with the Chester County Intermediate Unit to present professional development workshops highlighting new resources to engage 21st century students in learning about watersheds, stream health, and water quality.

The workshops, which were free to Chester County public school district employees, featured the Stroud Center’s toolkit. The morning workshop focused on the Model My Watershed web app, which offers watershed data visualization, geospatial analysis capabilities, and science-based predictions of human impacts on stormwater runoff and water quality. The afternoon workshop introduced the Water Quality mobile app, a water-monitoring data-collection and learning tool designed for use by educators and their students, citizen scientists, and researchers.

Tricia Egner, Math, Science, and Gifted Staff Development Specialist at the Chester County Intermediate Unit, was enthusiastic about the apps and thought our Wi-Fi microscopes were pretty cool, too!

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