
Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

For this study, we set out to determine the feasibility of using microbes to generate clean energy on a large scale. We deployed two streambed sediment microbial fuel cells in White Clay Creek and completed a sweeping test. The maximum voltage for the sediment fuel cells on streambed is about one volt. We installed a demo unit in the indoor Stream House, and connected a Christmas tree to demonstrate the power generation/application from the respiration of bacteria buried in the indoor stream sediments. We continue data collection and sample analyses, and testing on biocathode performance. Also, we are working on potential future funding/collaboration opportunities.

(Project details may change over the lifespan of a project. The project description listed here is from the annual report of the most recent project year.)

Funded by: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) and Stroud Water Research Center

Principal Investigator: Jinjun Kan

Collaborators: Y. M. Arias-Thode (SPAWAR, 2012-2014); Lewis Hsu (SPAWAR, 2014)

Project Years: 2012, 2013, 2014