
Soil Health and Stream Health for Red and White Clay Creeks

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project engages two farmers to implement more than 1,000 acres of cover crops, conduct trials of eight or more innovative methods to advance cover crop and no-till techniques, and create infrastructure that lessens soil compaction and nutrient losses from fields. More than 20 acres of forested buffers will be restored in these watersheds.

Funded by: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Project Lead: Matthew J. Ehrhart

Collaborators: Brandywine Conservancy; Brandywine White Clay Association; Chester County Conservation District; Cover Crop Coaching, LLC (Steve Groff); Mowery Environmental, LLC; Red Barn Consulting, Inc.; TeamAg, Inc.

Project Year: 2019, 2020, 2021

(Project details may change over the lifespan of a project. The project description listed here is from the annual report of the most recent project year.)