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Fly River in Papua New Guinea.

UpStream Newsletter, Summer 2011

500 333 Stroud Water Research Center

The difference between the organic materials that enter and leave a river system tells us how the river affects greenhouse gases.

Brandywine Trekkers perform a water chemistry test wearing protective gear.

Brandywine Trek 2011

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

ON JUNE 14TH, 2011, eight high school students set off on an adventure that was the first of its kind. Their journey took them from the headwaters of the Brandywine…

Brandywine Trek students at orientation.

Brandywine Trek Helps Students Spur Freshwater Stewardship

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The trek educates students about the importance of the Brandywine River and fosters understanding of the need to implement good stewardship practices.

Leaf Pack Network® Goes to Costa Rica

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This train-the-trainer Leaf Pack workshop consisted of employees and board members from Asociación de Amigos de la Naturaleza del Pacífico Central y Sur (ASANA), ecotourist guides, as well as other…

Leaf Pack Network® Goes to Peru

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

In partnership with the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER) based out of West Chester University, Stroud Water Research Center educators provided Leaf Pack workshops in the cities…

Brandywine Trek students carrying a canoe.

Coatesville Students Prepare for Brandywine Trek

600 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Students will learn skills they will need this summer when they will embark on a weeklong journey, by foot and canoe, down the Brandywine River.

Fly River in Papua New Guinea.

UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2011

355 266 Stroud Water Research Center

Two weeks into their work in Papua New Guinea, Dr. Anthony Aufdenkampe and his colleagues had already surveyed more than 600 miles of remote jungle rivers.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

No teacher left inside: preparing a new generation of teachers

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Marcum-Dietrich, N., L. Marquez, S.E. Gill, and C. Medved. 2011. Journal of Geoscience Education 59(1):1–4.

UpStream Newsletter, Winter 2011

550 250 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Center scientists think Papua New Guinea might be more important in terms of carbon and sediment discharge than the entire Amazon River.

Macroinvertebrate identification workshop in Peru.

Expanding the Leaf Pack Network® to South and Central America

300 225 Stroud Water Research Center

The goal is to create a conservation ethic that integrates ordinary people into the decision-making process by putting simple assessment tools into their hands.