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Girl Scouts of the USA and Boy Scouts of America Programs

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators engage and empower K–12 youth involved in BSA in environmental badges, awards, service projects, and other advancements. Funded by: 2022: Nick Kerlin and Donna Queeney, Kimberton Whole Foods, Inc.,…

Expanding Environmental Literacy and Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) Implementation Capacity Across Pa.

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This statewide project builds capacity for environmental literacy and stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay and other watersheds in Pennsylvania by expanding the inclusion and implementation of environmental education, particularly MWEEs,…

Delivering Meaningful, Safe, and Accessible Watershed Education

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Funded by: Pa. Department of Environmental Protection This project expands meaningful and inclusive environmental STEM programs, including online stream study lessons for fourth-grade and middle school students and a Watershed…

Capacity-Building for Girls-in-STEM Watershed Education

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project expanded meaningful and inclusive education in water-focused environmental STEM for regional K–12 girl audiences, including pilot programs for high-needs and marginalized youth in DEP environmental justice areas. Girl…

Building District Capacity for Environmental Literacy and MWEEs in Delaware

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project strengthens state and school district capacity to integrate environmental literacy (E-LIT) and Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) into learning for Delaware students. Collaborators will create a Delaware MWEE…

Advancing Education Programs and Community Outreach – Oxford Area

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Continued support enables the expansion of education and outreach in southeastern Pennsylvania, including K–12 school programs, out-of-school youth programs, educator professional development trainings, and community science projects. (Project details may…

Tidal Rivers Biofingerprinting Sediment: Resolving Sediment Connectivity Between Rivers and Estuaries by Tracking Particles With Their Microbial Genetic Signature

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Sediment flowing from rivers to estuaries is a double-edged sword: too much sediment can harm oyster beds but not enough sediment can starve tidal marshes. Measuring whether a river is…

DRWI Phase II+ Monitoring, Evaluation, Scientific Support, and Capacity Building for Watershed Protection and Restoration Projects

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project, part of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative, provides technical background and assistance to grantees of the William Penn Foundation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to develop,…

Two Harambee Institute students looking at aquatic macroinvertebrates they collected from a stream.

PA to Meet Rise of STEM Economy With New Education Standards Featuring Environmental Literacy

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

STEM professionals can help solve the world’s leading environmental
challenges. Learn how Pennsylvania’s new science standards have been revised to prepare the next generation for such vital work.

Equity and Environmental Education (EE) in the Time of COVID-19 to Support EE Providers

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Educators modified existing watershed education programming, created new programming, and piloted programming for virtual and in-person engagement during the coronavirus pandemic. Additional funding from PDE supported the initial planning of…