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Bern Sweeney walks through a native meadow.

$1 Million Challenge Grant to Benefit the Bernard W. Sweeney, Ph.D., Executive Director’s Fund

699 525 Stroud Water Research Center

Honoring Bern’s long career at the Stroud Center while ensuring the legacy of his dedication to global research, education, and watershed restoration.

Thanks From the Stroud Center

599 350 Stroud Water Research Center

For more than 50 years, Stroud Water Research Center has focused on one thing – clean fresh water for all – and we know that is only possible because of the support of friends like you.

Grand prize winner at the 2018 Road Rally for Fresh Water

Car Enthusiasts Explore Chester County Watersheds in Support of Clean Fresh Water

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

The rain didn’t stop the second annual Road Rally as drivers counted bodies of water and restoration sites while answering clues about the region’s history.

A Helicopter, Sun, and an Overall Great Day on the Green

400 533 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center’s third annual golf outing was a huge success! Sunday’s downpour led to a delayed start for the course to dry out, but 96 golfers enjoyed a sunny Monday at Bidermann Golf Course.

Meridian Bank Contributes Funds for Educational Programs

1000 722 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center gratefully acknowledges Meridian Bank’s recent gift through the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credits (EITC) program. The EITC program enables the Stroud Center to provide innovative programs at no or reduced cost to Pennsylvania public school districts.

Truck stuck in deep mud in Costa Rica.

Our Pursuit of Clean Fresh Water Never Stops

1000 563 Stroud Water Research Center

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep Stroud Center researchers from the swift completion of their appointed stream sampling.”

Amazon Smile promotional image.

Start Your Holiday Shopping With a Smile!

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

Don’t forget to use Amazon Smile this holiday season! It offers the same great selection as Amazon with a portion of each purchase to benefit the Stroud Center.