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Watershed Restoration

Developing Industrial Hemp Markets and Supply Chains: An Educational Series

Developing Industrial Hemp Markets and Supply Chains: An Educational Series

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Please join us for a day of hemp discussion including a fiber and grain field tour and lectures.

Brian and Lynette Saunder at the fence that keeps their cattle away from the newly planted buffer.

Lancaster Farm Buffers Its Effect on Chesapeake Bay

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

“God blessed us with this land, and we want to do our little part in conserving it and just making it a better place for everyone,” Lynette Sauder said.

2021 Lancaster Water Week webinar video

The Food, Farming, and Water Connection

558 314 Stroud Water Research Center

Find out how you can make choices that support local organic and regenerative farmers who are dedicated to healthy food, healthy land, and clean water.

How Farming Practices Influence Water Quality and Soil Health

1024 636 Stroud Water Research Center

Scientists from the Stroud Center and Rodale Institute share what they’re learning from the Watershed Impact Trial on the MOSES Organic Farming Podcast.

Website Helps Landowners Lease Farms Wisely to Promote Soil Health, Water Quality

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center is a free resource helping landowners grow better relationships with tenant farmers that incentivize long-term investments on land that also address broader environmental impacts.

Illustration with a farm in the distance and healthy soil with organisms in the foreground

Your Land and Legacy: Resources for Agricultural Landowners

600 262 Stroud Water Research Center

This free, 1-hour webinar will provide information for non-operating agricultural landowners to enable better planning and coordination with their farm operators to enhance soil health, soil and water conservation, and improved crop productivity.

Partnering for Accelerated Ag Best Management Practices in South Central Pennsylvania

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project supports Stroud Water Research Center’s continuing efforts on soil health, particularly for outreach and education on cover crops and no-till farming. It also installs conservation practices on farms…

Experimental Streamside Forest Restoration to Improve Water Quality – Fat Chance Farm

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project planted 675 trees and shelters on 2.01 acres of riparian land along an unnamed tributary of Doe Run in West Marlborough Township, Pa. The project was designed to…

Lancaster Water Week

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Hike, bike, paddle, or tune in from home for over 20 events during Lancaster Water Week! Celebrate our waterways and take action to protect them for the future.

Map showing forested stream buffers in the west branch of Red Clay Creek with a photo overlay of brook trout fingerlings.

Landowners Partner With Stroud Center on Stream Restoration Across Watershed

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Something wonderful is happening on the west branch of Red Clay Creek. It is getting its trees back — and perhaps its native brook trout, too.