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Watershed Restoration

Spring growth of a ryegrass cover crop in a field, farmhouse and farm in the distance.

Expanding Watershed Restoration Beyond the Stream Corridor

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Healthy streams need healthy watersheds. Improving soil health in farm fields can be a very cost-effective way to reach water-quality goals.

David Wise standing in front of a shrub border.

David Wise Recognized as a Good Natured Pennsylvanian

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Growing up in Lancaster County and playing in its creeks, Wise had an up-close view of some of the water-quality issues he is now working to correct.

2021 Virtual Sustainable Agriculture Conference banner image.

[Webinar] Water Farming: Stewarding a Precious Resource

800 419 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how a diverse set of farms are working with water’s innate quality of movement to create lush, productive, regenerative landscapes in the midst of myriad challenges.

[Webinar] Research Update: Soil Health and Water Quality in the Watershed Impact Trial

1024 636 Stroud Water Research Center

Join Rodale Institute’s Kirsten Pearsons, Ph.D., for a mid-project update on what we have learned so far in the Watershed Impact Trial.

Bud Miller with his young riparian buffer, showing abundant growth of trees and wildflowers.

A Family’s Restoration Adventure, Four Years In

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In 2017, Bud and Marilyn Miller were the proud overseers of a new riparian buffer. Since then, a beautiful transformation has unfolded on their property.

Pennsylvania Soil Health Coalition logo

Pennsylvania Establishes a Soil Health Coalition

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Healthy soils are a win for the farmers, a win for the environment, and a win for society, with the ability to grow healthy foods in a more sustainable way.

Ag BMP Planning and Implementation for Berks County (DEP); Leveraging Ag BMPs and Forested Buffers for Middle Schuylkill Cluster (NFWF); Delivering the Berks-Chester RCPP (DEP)

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

This project operates the Farm Stewardship Program in Berks County, assisting farmers to implement whole-farm conservation while leveraging U.S. Department of Agriculture funding for work including forested buffers. Work on…

Photo of an American eel being weighed as part of a scientific study.

White Clay Creek: A Pennsylvania Stream Responds to Reforestation

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

The East Branch of White Clay Creek is the subject of a restoration study on a time scale rarely applied to streams or rivers anywhere in the world.

Photo of a farm with a large muddy area with cattle.

A Small Farm Offers Big Opportunities for Measuring Watershed Restoration Success

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Stream restorations rarely get monitored rigorously enough to determine if the “patient” has fully recovered.

Video still showing a backyard vegetable garden.

Better Gardens, Better Soils: Improve Water Quality and Soil Health in Your Backyard

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

With a little bit of knowledge and prep work in the off season, you can just plant and harvest. Wouldn’t that be nice?