About the Group
The Ecosystem Ecology Group focuses on interactions among physical, chemical, and biological elements of riverine ecosystems that organize ecological behavior at local and regional scales. We are also interested in the effects of global change (land use, atmospheric deposition, emergent contaminants) on the structure and function of streams and rivers, and the need for more socio-ecological perspectives on conservation and restoration of running water ecosystems.
Ecosystem Ecology Staff
Ecosystem Ecology News

To achieve the Clean Water Act’s goals, prioritize upstream ecology
Ensign, S.H., D.B. Arscott, M. Daniels, C. Dow, J.K. Jackson, D. Oviedo-Vargas, and M. Peipoch. 2024. Water Resources IMPACT 26(3): 19–21.

Riparian groundwater nitrogen (N) isotopes reveal human imprints of dams and road salt salinization
Inamdar, S., M. Peipoch, M. Sena, B, Joshi, M.M. Rahman, J. Kan, E.K. Peck, A. Gold, T.L.E. Trammell, and P.M. Groffman. 2024. Geophysical Research Letters 51(5): e2023GL106888.

Back from the past? Assessment of nitrogen removal ability of buried historic wetland soils before and after a 1-year incubation on a restored floodplain
Peck, E.K., S. Inamdar, J. Kan, M. Peipoch, A.J. Gold, D.J. Merritts, R.C. Walter, E.G. Hyland, K.W. Wegmann, A.M. Yaculak, and M.M. Rahman. 2024. Restoration Ecology 32(3): e14070.

Sediment-nitrogen (N) connectivity: Suspended sediments in streams as N exporters and reactors for denitrification and assimilatory N uptake during storms
Bisesh, J., E. Bacmeister, E. Peck, M. Peipoch, J. Kan, and S. Inamdar. 2023. Frontiers in Water 5: 1254225.

Will Removing Thousands of Old Milldams Across the Northeast Help or Hurt Streams?
Stroud Center scientists have been assessing how milldams affect the filtering capacity of streams and whether their removal affects water quality.

Meet Our 2023 Interns
Our interns assist with research and other mission-focused work and gain valuable professional experience and networking opportunities.